warrant officers

美 [ˈwɔːrənt ˈɔfəsərz]英 [ˈwɒrənt ˈɒfɪsəz]
  • n.准尉(陆军、英国空军和美国海军的中级军衔)
  • warrant officer的复数
warrant officerswarrant officers

warrant officers


  • 1
    N-COUNT 准尉
    A warrant officer is a person in the army, the air force, or the marines who is above the rank of sergeant and below the rank of lieutenant. In the United States Navy, a warrant officer is above the rank of petty officer and below the rank of ensign.

  1. Personnel appointed to each of the 38 established Yeoman Warders posts in the Tower of London nowadays are all retired Warrant Officers of the Army , Royal Air Force and Royal Marines .


  2. They enter the house in a rough neighborhood without working with local police to get a search warrant , fearing officers could tip off the smugglers .
